The dominance of Fiction, Information and Info-show in European television

Canales públicos y privadosFicciónInfo-show / InfoentretenimientoInformaciónMacrogénerosShow

The dominance of Fiction, Information and Info-show in European television

European public television: Redefining content and scheduling strategies

The dominance of Fiction, Information and Info-show in European television Fuente: Delgado, M., Navarro, C. Franquet, R., Ribes, X., Qing, S. & Paz, E. (Septiembre, 2020). European public television: Redefining content and scheduling strategies. IAMCR 2020 Online Conference. Tampere, Finlandia.

PGC2018-094863-B-100 (MCIU-Feder)
