Distribution by genre of fiction by ownership and country, 2018-2019 (%)

Animation FilmAnimation SeriesCinemaFictionFiction GenresMicroserieMiniseriePublic and commercial channelsSerialSerieShort FilmSitcomTv Movie

Distribution by genre of fiction by ownership and country, 2018-2019 (%)

Distribution by genre of fiction by ownership and country, 2018-2019 (%)
Fuente: Prado, E., Delgado, M, García-Muñoz, N., Monclús, B. & Navarro, C. (2020). General-television programming in Europe (UE5): Public versus commercial channels”. El profesional de la información, v. 29, n. 2, e290204. https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2020.mar.04

Proyecto PGC2018-094863-B-100 (MCIU-Feder)