Distribution of serial genre by country and ownership 2017-2019 (%)

FictionFiction GenresPublic and commercial channelsSerialSerialized Fiction

Distribution of serial genre by country and ownership 2017-2019 (%)

Soap opera in European television: Scheduling strategies and production policies of a popular genre

Distribution of serial genre by country and ownership 2017-2019 (%)
Fuente: García-Muñoz, N., Gómez-Bernal, G., Prado, E., Nunes, L., Lluís, P. (Septiembre, 2020). Soap opera in European television: Scheduling strategies and production policies of a popular genre. IAMCR 2020 Online Conference. Tampere, Finlandia.

Proyecto PGC2018-094863-B-100 (MCIU-Feder)