30pubTV is a research project analysing television programming across five
European markets over the last 30 years. During this period, the schedules of
general-interest television have completely changed and have especially affected
public channels that have had to face increasing competition.
The results deal with the main programmatic genres such as Information, Fiction,
Information, Info-show, Game-show, Show, and children's and youth programs.
The majority of Fiction has been, above all, serial fiction. The results of Information
focuses on different forms such as the newscast, the report or the interview. In
relation to the Info-show, some formats have been analysed in-depth, such as the
talent show.
One of the axes of analysis in this research is the ownership of the channels and
their behaviour in relation to the main content on general television. The
differences and similarities regarding television programming between public and
commercial channels are also shown. In most cases, the differences are significant
enough to conclude that the European public channels struggle to maintain
influence but despite the fierce competition continue to cultivate particular
characteristics and styles.