Topics by type of production, 2010-2020 (%)
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Topics by type of production, 2010-2020 (%)

Origin of imported TV movies scheduled on general-interest channels, 2010-2020 (%)
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Origin of imported TV movies scheduled on general-interest channels, 2010-2020 (%)

TV movies airtime in the schedules of general-interest channels, 2010-2020 (%)
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TV movies airtime in the schedules of general-interest channels, 2010-2020 (%)

The most popular series in the UK and Spain: The leadership of characters with paid work 
by country and gender, 2016-2019 (%)
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The most popular series in the UK and Spain: The leadership of characters with paid work 
by country and gender, 2016-2019 (%)

The most popular series in the UK and Spain: The leadership of characters
by country and gender, 2016-2019 (%)
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The most popular series in the UK and Spain: The leadership of characters
by country and gender, 2016-2019 (%)

The most popular series in the UK and Spain: area of occupation of characters, 2016-2019 (%)
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The most popular series in the UK and Spain: area of occupation of characters, 2016-2019 (%)

Estructura de la oferta programática según titularidad en Reino Unido, 2007-2020(%)
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Canales públicos y privadosFicción

Estructura de la oferta programática según titularidad en Reino Unido, 2007-2020(%)

Estructura de la oferta programática según titularidad en Italia, 2007-2020(%)
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Canales públicos y privadosFicción

Estructura de la oferta programática según titularidad en Italia, 2007-2020(%)

Estructura de la oferta programática según titularidad en Francia, 2007-2020(%)
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Canales públicos y privadosFicción

Estructura de la oferta programática según titularidad en Francia, 2007-2020(%)

Estructura de la oferta programática según titularidad en España, 2007-2020(%)
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Canales públicos y privadosEspaña

Estructura de la oferta programática según titularidad en España, 2007-2020(%)

Estructura de la oferta programática según titularidad en Alemania, 2007-2020(%)
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AlemaniaCanales públicos y privados

Estructura de la oferta programática según titularidad en Alemania, 2007-2020(%)

Origen de la sitcom por titularidad, país y temporada, 2010-2020 (%)
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Canales públicos y privadosFicción

Origen de la sitcom por titularidad, país y temporada, 2010-2020 (%)

Oferta de sitcom por titularidad, país y temporada, 2010-2020 (%)
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Canales públicos y privadosFicción

Oferta de sitcom por titularidad, país y temporada, 2010-2020 (%)

Oferta de sitcom por titularidad, país y temporada, 2010-2020 (%)
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Canales públicos y privadosFicción

Oferta de sitcom por titularidad, país y temporada, 2010-2020 (%)

Oferta de sitcom por titularidad, 2010-2020 (%)
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Canales públicos y privadosFicción

Oferta de sitcom por titularidad, 2010-2020 (%)

Oferta de Reality Game por país y titularidad según día laborable o fin de semana, 2010-2020 (%)
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Franjas HorariasReality Game

Oferta de Reality Game por país y titularidad según día laborable o fin de semana, 2010-2020 (%)

Oferta de Reality Game por país y titularidad según franja horaria, 2010-2020 (%)
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Franjas HorariasReality Game

Oferta de Reality Game por país y titularidad según franja horaria, 2010-2020 (%)

Oferta de Info-show y Reality Game por país y titularidad, 2010-2020 (%)
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Franjas HorariasInfo-Show

Oferta de Info-show y Reality Game por país y titularidad, 2010-2020 (%)

Local Fiction Genres-Italy, 1990-2020 (%)
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Canales públicos y privadosFicción

Local Fiction Genres-Italy, 1990-2020 (%)

Local Fiction Genres-Spain, 1990-2020 (%)
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Canales públicos y privadosFicción

Local Fiction Genres-Spain, 1990-2020 (%)

Local Fiction by Ownership, 1990-2020 (%)
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Canales públicos y privadosFicción

Local Fiction by Ownership, 1990-2020 (%)

Local Series, 1990-2020 (%)
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Local Series, 1990-2020 (%)

Local Series, 1990-2020 (%)
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Local Series, 1990-2020 (%)

Distribution of children’s genre by country, 2010 and 2020
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ContenedorDibujos Animados

Distribution of children’s genre by country, 2010 and 2020

Supply structure by country and ownership, 2010-2020
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Canales públicos y privadosDeportes

Supply structure by country and ownership, 2010-2020

Cartoons in the schedule by country, 2010-2020
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Canales públicos y privadosContenedor

Cartoons in the schedule by country, 2010-2020

Distribution of cartoons production types by ownership, 2010-2020
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Canales públicos y privadosDibujos Co-Producidos

Distribution of cartoons production types by ownership, 2010-2020

Share of local serialised fiction in the schedules of generalist channels Local fiction series: the calue of European Public Service Media (1990-2020
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Canales públicos y privadosFicción

Share of local serialised fiction in the schedules of generalist channels Local fiction series: the calue of European Public Service Media (1990-2020

Structure of the offer by ownership (EU 5), 2018-2019 (%)
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Canales públicos y privadosConcurso

Structure of the offer by ownership (EU 5), 2018-2019 (%)

Supply structure by country and ownership, 2018-2019 (%)
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Canales públicos y privadosConcurso

Supply structure by country and ownership, 2018-2019 (%)

Distribution by genre of fiction by ownership and country, 2018-2019 (%)
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Canales públicos y privadosCine

Distribution by genre of fiction by ownership and country, 2018-2019 (%)

Distribution of genres of information by ownership and country, 2018-2019 (%)*
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Canales públicos y privadosContenedor

Distribution of genres of information by ownership and country, 2018-2019 (%)*

Distribution of genres of info-show by ownership and country, 2018-2019 (%)*
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Actualidad HumorCanales públicos y privados

Distribution of genres of info-show by ownership and country, 2018-2019 (%)*

Structure of broadcast at prime-time and night by country and ownership, 2018-2019 (%)
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Canales públicos y privadosFicción

Structure of broadcast at prime-time and night by country and ownership, 2018-2019 (%)

Distribution of fiction genres, prime-time and night, 2018-2019 (%)
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Distribution of fiction genres, prime-time and night, 2018-2019 (%)

Distribution of information genres, prime-time and night, 2018-2019 (%)
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Canales públicos y privadosContenedor

Distribution of information genres, prime-time and night, 2018-2019 (%)

Distribution of info-show genres, prime-time and night, 2018-2019 (%)
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Actualidad HumorCanales públicos y privados

Distribution of info-show genres, prime-time and night, 2018-2019 (%)

Origin of fiction by country and ownership, 2018-2019 (%)
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Canales públicos y privadosFicción

Origin of fiction by country and ownership, 2018-2019 (%)

Origin of imported fiction by country and ownership, 2018-2019 (%)
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Canales públicos y privadosFicción Importada

Origin of imported fiction by country and ownership, 2018-2019 (%)

Evolution of the macrogenres on European public channels (EU5)
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Canales públicos y privadosConcurso

Evolution of the macrogenres on European public channels (EU5)

Evolution of the macrogenres on European commercial channels (EU5)
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Canales PrivadosConcurso

Evolution of the macrogenres on European commercial channels (EU5)

Evolution of the macrogenres on European channels (EU5)
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Canales públicos y privadosMacrogéneros

Evolution of the macrogenres on European channels (EU5)

Evolution of the main macrogenres by country and ownership
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AlemaniaCanales públicos y privados

Evolution of the main macrogenres by country and ownership

Evolution of the main macrogenres by country and ownership
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Canales públicos y privadosFicción

Evolution of the main macrogenres by country and ownership

Evolution of fiction by country and ownership
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AlemaniaCanales públicos y privados

Evolution of fiction by country and ownership

Evolution of fiction by country and ownership
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Canales públicos y privadosFicción

Evolution of fiction by country and ownership

Evolution of information by country and ownership
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AlemaniaCanales públicos y privados

Evolution of information by country and ownership

Evolution of information by country and ownership
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Canales públicos y privadosFrancia

Evolution of information by country and ownership

Evolution of info-show by country and ownership
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AlemaniaCanales públicos y privados

Evolution of info-show by country and ownership

Evolution of info-show by country and ownership
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Canales públicos y privadosDocuserie

Evolution of info-show by country and ownership
